At US Tainment, we are dedicated to delivering content that is as accurate as possible. We rigorously scrutinize claims, challenge preconceived notions, and remain skeptical of unverified information to maintain the integrity of our content.
Our pledge to accuracy is a cornerstone of our credibility and the confidence our audience places in us. We ensure that the precision of our content is suitable for its context and clearly communicate any limitations that might affect audience expectations.
We ensure that our content is well-researched, evidence-based, and verified, maintaining transparency about the limits of our knowledge and steering clear of baseless conjecture.
Our journalists uphold the highest standards of integrity, never intentionally plagiarizing or misrepresenting facts or visuals.
We actively seek out reliable sources to validate claims and allegations, particularly those from public figures or individuals with potential biases. Unverified content is typically presented with clear attribution.
Ustainment stands behind the veracity of the information we publish. Should any content be proven inaccurate, we are committed to making corrections swiftly and transparently. We do not deliberately mislead our audience or distort facts. We acknowledge significant errors and rectify them promptly and appropriately.
We offer a straightforward way for the public to notify us of any inaccuracies through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ feature available at the end of each web story.
Our journalists focus on reporting, writing, and fact-checking. Each story undergoes editorial review, with a tiered fact-checking system in place for stories requiring thorough scrutiny. The level of editorial review varies depending on the story’s complexity, sensitivity, and urgency.
Correction Policies at Ustainment: We aim for excellence and accuracy, but we acknowledge that mistakes can happen. When they do, we take responsibility for correcting them and ensure transparency to prevent the spread of incorrect information.
For Readers: Should you find an error, please reach out to our editor-in-chief, Ellie White, directly via email, phone, mail, or in person.
To submit a correction, please include:
- The correction itself
- The date or issue number
- The medium where the error appeared (print, online, etc.)
- Your name and contact information
- The correct information and, if applicable, a source for this information
Contacting the editor-in-chief is essential for the official submission of a correction. Corrections sent to other staff members may not receive timely attention.
Upon submission, you can expect a response from the editor-in-chief, who may reach out for further clarification or information. Submitting a correction ensures investigation but does not guarantee that a correction will be made.
At, our commitment to accuracy is unwavering. Upon notification of a potential error, our editor-in-chief diligently reviews the matter, utilizing all available resources, including reader input, official records, and journalistic evidence.
Should an inaccuracy be confirmed, we take immediate action to rectify it across all platforms where it was shared:
In Print: We will publish corrections on page 2A in the forthcoming edition, specifying the original issue, the article in question, the erroneous information, and the subsequent correction.
Online at The affected article will be updated, and we will include an editorial note at the end, detailing the nature of the mistake and the timing of the correction.
On Social Media: For articles shared on platforms like Facebook or Twitter, we will post an update linking to the amended article, highlighting the correction made.
Following the correction, the editor-in-chief will reach out to the reader who brought the error to our attention, explaining the corrective measures implemented.